Love Work Family Friends Games Kids Life

Posted by on 2014/10/16 under Uncategorized

Why do people insist to change the world so much when they know that one thing could be so little of the world… changing the world is SUPER DUPER hard! If you ask me, I’m probably one person who doesn’t really want to change much but yet, I want to change everything. That may sound weird but I guess that’s what I think. I am quite strange to some people but most people don’t know me really. I get off subjects often, I’m shy once you notice me at first, I don’t approach people so often because of my scared nature of the getting a wrong impression to them, and I guess I can name a lot more but who likes to judge themselves all the time? Sometimes I wish the world would stop and leave me at peace where my thoughts can roam around and not have all the responsibilities that needs me. Taking breaths knowing that things are actually okay with life, family, and friends. How could the world be so evil yet so beautiful? That’s right, we humans are what make it difficult for the world to be so hurt yet so filled with love. Why not have a cup of tea then lay down with someone you care about for just one day? Why don’t we go travel and see sites that we’ve never seen before? How come things have to deal with money for the majority of this to happen? Work, family, friends, the life does sometimes suck you dry that you feel like your energy is gone. So many questions in my mind but yet I know the truth… Knowing the sad truth is quite depressing once you get older and see what lies later in your life whether you don’t know or you do. How much longer do I have to live for? I always wanted to know so that I could change but I guess I’m still the same…

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